crown6652 Member


  • Sorry for the delay rhalbur! I had written a huge post with a sample menu for you but it wouldn't POST. Apparently hadn't "joined' the group :( so here's the info again. and if you want any other ideas recipes, pm me. Sample carb cycle day: Breakfast: 3-4 cream cheese pancakes with maple syrup and whipped coconut cream…
  • If you've cut or significantly reduced caffeine - yes your going thru caffeine withdraw and that will def cause headaches. Test it: Have a coffee and see if your headache goes away. However, the main cause for headaches when you change your eating habits to a "cleaner" version are from your body releasing toxins. When you…
  • I've done carb cycling many times with great success. It's a body builder's trick to flip your body from burning sugar for fuel, to burning fat. It's soo easy!! And freakin delicious!! There are 2 approaches: 3 day cycle or 6 day cycle - depending on your level of weight you want to lose and how well you metabolize carbs.…