GemmySB Member


  • Wow well done! 3 stone off is amazing! Thank you :) I feel so much better in the short time I've been doing it, can't wait to see the results in the next few months! :)
  • You can do it! The first few fasts can be a bit tough but once you get in to the swing of it you'll be fine! Read up on 5:2 before Tues so you have snack ideas & your main meal planned, it's much easier if you know what you're having for dinner. Make sure you drink plenty of water too :)
  • We've been too busy being good & healthy! At least we're being social now lol! :)
  • The 5:2 Diet is a legitimate healthy eating lifestyle choice not a fasting fad, my body does not think it is shutting down. The two days I have 500 calories I certainly don't starve myself, I make healthy choices to allow me to have a very good dinner. Since starting this in March I have lost 19 pounds & actually increased…
  • 5:2 is where you fast 2 days a week, only having 500 calories & eat normally the other 5. I've been doing it since the 9th of March & lost 19 pounds so far, I love it!
  • Ok I obvs have no idea what I'm doing because what I wrote out is not appearing apart from Hi all lol! Anyone else doing 5:2?