

  • I usually just make a little extra of whatever we're having for dinner in the evening, and take that to work as lunch the next day. No extra cooking or preparation, just stick it in the microwave if needs be and bob's your uncle. Cheap, quick, varied, and absolutely no effort!
  • Wow that's amazing, well done. I have longstanding problems with my back so will be taking is easy on the exercise front to start with and build it up, but I'm ready for the challenge!
  • Hi, I'm new here too. What we have to do is easy, eat less and exercise more - sounds simple enough, but I've no doubt it's gonna get tough at times but we'll get there!
  • Hello from one UK newbie to another! Today is only day 1 for me, but I'm feeling really positive. My main problem is that I love food, but hate exercise, so I know it's gonna be tough. I'm determined to lose weight and get fit, and I've no doubt motivation will be an issue at times, but if we all work together I'm sure we…