

  • I added you so hopefully we can keep each other motivated! I do sooo much better when I have someone telling me do this and do that hahaha! I lost a lot of weight before just by doing to elliptical 40+ min a day and eating clean. I have gotten back into clean eating now I just need help being held accountable with my…
  • Thanks! You look Great! I would love to get into weight lifting. Im afraid I just honestly don't have a clue where to start with it or how to use most of the machines properly! ;) I am telling myself this time around to give it two straight months of eating clean and exercise before I give up! I will see how my clothes fit…
  • Hi guys! I'm 5'8 I've gotten down to 163 but I can't get the scale to move! I want to be 135-140. I have hard time staying motivated when I don't see the scale move for a few weeks. I am looking for friends that we can help keep each other motived. I'm hoping the more people I have checking in with me everyday and the more…