If you like maple syrup, that can be a helpful addition to a no-sugar diet, too.
Go for it! Reading - and learning about new books - is what this group is all about, right? I for one would like to see it.
Does it count as water if it has emergenc in it?
Peace like a River is one of my all-time favorite books! Glad to see the recommendation here. I just finished Patron Saint of Ugly - it's magical realism-ish and has some wonderful characters. I used to really be into Laurie King's Mary Russell series although I haven't read one in a while, so I am enjoying her Art of…
Hmm, this sounds awesome. Wishing I wasn't on the west coast...
I like Trader Joes GF Oats
I love Bikram which is why I do it. I like the really specific movements each time and I really like the heat. I like other kinds of of yoga too. But I am never able to stick with any exercise I hate (I'm talking to you, running), so I wouldn't go if I were you, no matter how good it's supposed to be for you.
I started a book four years ago, and in June it will be published! I never thought that was possible, and you won't know unless you try. I want to add another vote for nanowrimo - I did my first one in 2014 and I wrote a whole novel! Still working on editing, but it was awesome to know it was possible to produce that many…
I'm 46 years old and have 20 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me.
This challenge sounds perfect for me. If it's not too late - can I sign up?
Good luck! If you add me, we can support each other.