

  • SAME! I cannot wait to get more lemons and limes tomorrow! They really really help
    in So hard Comment by hmcratty January 2015
  • I LOVE night snacking also. As I type this to you, my stomach is hurting major! Feels like it has been days since I ate even though I just ate dinner at 7. I am out if lemons and limes and thats why I havent dont anything about it but at night when it gets like this, I squeeze the juice half a lemon and 2 small limes…
    in So hard Comment by hmcratty January 2015
  • Im losing weight just by walking! Well ofcourse I was eating about 2000 or more cals a day and now am only taking in 1100 to 1200 but walking is helping me lose faster, atleast I believe it is! I burn 250-300calories walking for an hour according to my treadmill. Depending on the speed you walk you can burn more or less. I…