Does hiking in a warm climate count?? :p
That might work. I'm checking with Katie and will get back to you soon.
Hi Justin-- I would like to hear more about what and how much to eat before and after different kinds of workouts. Both to learn about how to eat to optimize the workout and then how to eat afterward to prevent hunger throughout the Rest of the day---assuming workout is in the morning that is.
Hi mikienzler--I'm sure Justin or Katie or Michele can give you a better answer than I but its not just about the calories, but about the KIND of calories, not all calories being equal. It also has to do with how your body manages those calories in the state it is in when you provide them (ie after an anaerobic workout vs…
A less expensive, though slightly more time consuming way to manage portions is to divide the almonds or other snacks into individual ziplock snack bags(which can be reused) as soon as you bring the bigger bag home from the store. I vacillate between going for the expensive convenient prepackaged sizes and feeling like I'm…