You've got this, Becca! :)
Hi there! I have this problem too... Especially in the evenings. I've long discounted drinking plenty of fluids, but am now drinking lemon water frequently in the evenings and it's helping a little. What's your protein intake like? During the day I have a protein/fruit smoothie to sip on when I'm hungry- which curbs my…
Way to go you for coming back!! That's an accomplishment in itself. :)
Accountability. My problem as well! :)
Thanks Ephiemarie! Sounds like you crave healthier foods than I do! Hopefully my appetites will adjust with my new lifestyle... Right now Veggies really put me off. Jello sure sounds great, though. ;)
This sounds like me!! I've been concerned about skipping morning meals- for health reasons... But my appetite really doesn't kick in before noon. Interesting to hear that surrendering to this helped you! :)
I used to do that, Niner! I'm generally not hungry before noon, but have been told that I should be eating breakfast in the morning for health's sake (I usually stick with a fruit/veg protein shake). I don't think it would be difficult for me to put off eating until a bit later... Just not sure what the healthier choice…
Very true. Maybe I'm putting too much stock in time of day.
I'd like to try that, Segacs. I think lack of planning ahead is really contributing to the problem. Time to buckle down! Thanks for the reply!
I'll try that tomorrow. My goal is to avoid food after 7:00 p.m., but that's proving very difficult for me. Maybe eating a smaller supper and leaving myself some wiggle room will help. Thanks so much for the reply!
Looking to lose 30 here! Good luck getting started- request sent! :)