goliv Member


  • Cleaned out desk drawers - but not while sitting at the desk! Stood up and spread out contents so I had to walk around in order to sort and dispose as needed!
  • Ate breakfast and lunch standing up today - I generally am by myself for both of those meals each day so it's easy enough to do.
  • Perfect timing - I've been looking for ways to increase my daily activity.
  • Didn't realize Fitbit battery was dead yesterday - somehow missed that e-mail while travelling, so didn't get a full day step count. Will try again today. Had a 45 min Zumba class this morning. Tracking food and exercise and trying to up my water intake.
  • Good Monday morning! Strength training 30 minutes - yeah, done! 10,000 steps. Log food and exercise. And clean the house now that holiday decorations have been packed away!
  • Hello all. I, too, am new to this group and just returned from vacation so have been spending quality time reading through your first few days of postings. My goals for the 100 days: 1. Lose 14 pounds in the 14 weeks so I can fit into something I already own for my niece's wedding at the end of April. 2. Menu plan and shop…
  • I'm in! Definitely need the motivation. Have a vacation trip coming up at the end of the month, but hopefully I can see it through!