Obroom2016 Member


  • No worries, not offended...to each their own
    in Fasting Comment by Obroom2016 June 2018
  • While the scale number does matter, I also feel better. I have more energy, more motivation and drink SO much water. I only drink water anyway but now it's a least twice as much. My skin has cleared as well. I'm going to head over now to the Fasting Group someone mentioned above...thanks for the suggestion!
    in Fasting Comment by Obroom2016 June 2018
  • I'm definitely not aiming for 4lbs a week, that's just what happened this week. You aren't going to change the minds of people by coming at them on the internet, so if you don't fast why are you even commenting? Or do you just search for people who do fast so you can come at them for kicks? Anyway, fasting is what works…
    in Fasting Comment by Obroom2016 June 2018
  • Well, I do go out in the forest quite often (I'm a hiker), but I don't run down squirrels. I'm a vegetarian! :)
    in Fasting Comment by Obroom2016 June 2018
  • Everyone is entitled to their opinions/beliefs. I don't believe you can "starve yourself" in 24 hours lol. 24-hour fasting has helped me loose 4lbs this week, so I'll continue to do it at twice a week. Whether you're fasting for weight loss or religious beliefs, it still has the same effect. I for one, really like the idea…
    in Fasting Comment by Obroom2016 June 2018
  • I'm 180lbs, goal is 150lbs. I've been a vegetarian for over a year, and drink absolutely nothing but water and black coffee for the last 8 years or so. However, I'm addicted to SWEETS! It's my weakness. My company just started a "Biggest Loser" game so I joined for some motivation. Weigh-in is tomorrow, game goes until…