CCH410 Member


  • I'm back to it. I started yesterday and I'm hopeful I can stick with it this time!
  • Hi Everyone! I'm on day 6 today and have really felt a renewed sense of motivation today. I've eaten well got in all my water and 2 glasses of green tea. I made buffalo chicken tenders for dinner tonight with a yogurt blue cheese dressing (for 35 calories per 2 tablespoons!) and it was quite good! It's nice to find food…
  • Way to go, Leslie, for sticking with it! You can do it and you're so close to the end of cycle 1!
  • Good Morning All! I have made Monday my weigh in day (even though I started on Wednesday). I fell off the wagon on Saturday night a bit but got right back on Sunday morning. Because of that, I am going to call today day 5 instead of 6. Down 2.8 pounds since I started. The weight is not coming off as quickly as I might have…
  • Mshanson, this is fantastic! You should definitely reach your goal weight for cycle 1 without any problems! :) I am starting day 3 and am down 2 pounds so I'm hoping to see those number continue to drop at a good pace.
  • Hi everyone! I'm on day two and have really struggled today. I am craving sugar so I am trying to stay out of the kitchen/break room! :) I am hoping the cravings die down quickly!
  • Good morning all and Happy New Year! Today is my day 1. SW: 173.6 GW (cycle 1): 167
  • Hello! I'm 25, married and work in consulting - a true desk job. I've got approximately 30 pounds to lose. I have not tried the 17DD before but heard some coworkers talking about it. I bought the book and planned to start my day 1 on Wednesday. I'm so glad you created this group. I'm looking forward to getting the year…
    in Intros Comment by CCH410 December 2012
  • Weigh in! Woo! I've lost 2.8 pounds since last weigh in! It feels good to see the pounds coming off and the measurements getting smaller. Although, I wish my hips would lose a few inches too. Anybody have a suggestion to help that problem area along?
  • Don't get too discouraged. Way to go on the inch lost! I know that has to feel great! :)
  • Hi everyone! I hope you all are having a great week! I won't be able to weigh in tomorrow because I will be up before dawn and out the door for an interview (fingers crossed!!). I weighed in today though and am so excited about my results. Since my visit to the doctor last Thursday, I have lost 2.2 pounds!!! woooo! :) That…
  • Its ok! We all have those days! Just jump back on the wagon. You are doing such a great job that an occasional day like that won't hurt your weight loss goal. I hope yesterday and today are better for you! :)
  • Thanks MaryBeth! I'm more relieved than anything to know there is something wrong and to be able to treat it. I just needed to vent...
  • So I haven't done a very good job at logging in this week and I missed the weigh in yesterday. I lost another pound since last Thursday. I know the scale is moving in the right direction but it is discouraging that taking the weight off is so difficult for me. That's a total of 3 pounds during phase 1. Anyway, I have had…
  • Whew! Level 1 Day 4- Done!!! It feels so good to say that and I'm really happy I did it but boy was it like pulling teeth to make myself get up and do it!
  • So for my first week with the shred I got 3 workouts in... not great I know. I am going to do level 1 day 4 tomorrow and see if I feel any better about it or if it is just as awful. My goal is to get at least 5 days in this week. I will definitely try to do more though! If I don't feel like I'm ready, I might have to do a…
  • I made a really strong effort this week and lost 2.3 pounds. I even made dinner for my fiance last night (shrimp, salad, and broccoli) By 9 we were both so hungry that I gave in and had a cheeseburger at mcdonalds... it was so good though! :) And I honestly didn't care last night because I was feeling like the work and…
  • Thanks for the encouragement! :)
  • Thanks for the encouragement. I'm still in phase 1... about a week into it. I did take my measurements when I started SBD and the Shred on Sunday but I have decided to wait until this coming Sunday to take measurements again. That way I will give it a full week and we'll see where I am. I'll post if I have any difference…
  • Is anyone else doing South Beach in addition to 30 Day Shred? I weighed in today and I have only lost 1 pound. I know that sounds silly but I was expecting better results since I lost close to 10 pounds in the first 2 weeks of SBD when I did it last year. I was just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this as well? I…
  • Way to go! I have to do the same thing sometimes... just bite the bullet and do it!
  • Weighed in this morning and I'm down 1 pound... I don't know why I feel disappointed... I have only been at it for 4 full days and this will be day 5. I guess I was hoping for better results. Oh well.
  • I got home from work so late last night that I ended up not completing my third day and I literally just fell into bed. I am going to complete day 3 level 1 tonight. I hope I can feel a difference in my strength and stamina!
  • byhisgrace, I'm sorry to hear that yesterday was so rough. Hang in there though! I think it's wonderful that your hubby is being so supportive and helpful when it comes to eating healthy. I know you will be glad that you stuck with this and didn't just give up on it. I hope today and tomorrow are better days for you!
  • Marybethbeech, I am also under my calorie goal for the day when I plug my food intake into the food diary here. I'm not really paying attention to the calories though. I figure if I'm full and I'm getting my needed nutrients then its fine for 2 weeks while we are in phase 1. The other thing that eases my mind about that is…
  • Pinkpoole- Thanks for the towel tip! I will give that a try tomorrow! :)
  • I have just completed my second day on level 1. I was not as sore as I was expecting to be... it makes me think I didn't try hard enough? But I don't know how I could have pushed any more. I completed day 2 today and had a really hard time getting through it. I also did 30 minutes on the elliptical today about an hour…
  • Today was day 2 on phase 1. All in all I'm feeling pretty good about things but dinner tonight was extremely disappointing... that's what makes it really difficult to stay on a diet. I made the turkey meatloaf with beans and mushrooms. It wasn't bad but it was so-so I thought. What made it more disappointing was the amount…
  • I started phase 1 today and it went well! My starting weight is 161.1. I'm hopeful that the numbers will begin moving in the right direction by Thursday! I also started 30 Day Shred today. I barely finished it and thought I was going to die! Well here's to a good week everyone!
  • I just finished level 1 day 1. OMG I think I might throw up, or die, or maybe both. I barely got through it and I hurt already. I hope the pain isn't awful tomorrow!