

  • I forgot to mention, I started out at 237 lbs, so I understand having to take it easy at first. Maybe if you try to take it easy at first, get used to your workout schedule, how the instructor runs their class, what foods/calories you will be eating, etc- just keep doing it! You'll see, every day you'll pick up more and…
  • I have had a blast using a combo of P90X and Hip Hop abs! Yes, the P90X yoga is 90 minutes but that is the only one that is that long. The rest are just under an hour. Hip Hop Abs are 40 minutes or less. I am a mom of 4 who has pretty much no hours during the day to be working out SO I get up before the kids do and I…
  • What sort of challenge?! Im currently a P90x/HIp Hop Abs hybrid - 2 months in and I love a challenge! Bring It!