Hey, now. At least you know no one will know you look like a nerd, since you'll be going alone.
Total Daily Energy Expenditure
Sorry. There isn't one. It isn't possible to target a specific area of bodyfat, just reduce your overall bodyfat percentage. IMO, the best way to lose bodyfat all over is to lift weights. Pick up really heavy stuff; you'll burn calories while you're doing it, and then continue to burn calories as your body rebuilds the…
When, in the past, I have used diet exclusively to lose weight, I went from hating being fat to hating 50 little things about my body. Exercise, for me, eliminates that, and allows my weight loss to be a side effect of the cool shtuff I can do now, instead of the goal. It helps me love my body instead. I don't hate the way…
As far as I am aware, higher reps and lower weight works muscle endurance and is the key to hypertrophy. lower reps with higher weight works pure strength and power, and builds tighter, more dense muscle. Aside from that, as long as you hit your goal, I don't see any real reason why breaking the sets up differently should…
I would recommend not using the machine, just because of what others have said. It restricts your movements and doesn't allow your stabilization muscles to fire the way they would in a free-form squat or deadlift. If you are new to weightlifting, there are other ways to work those same muscle groups in preparation, but I…
As I understand it, protein is harder for your body to break down and store as bodyfat, when compared to fat or carbohydrates. So eating a diet that is higher in protein (regardless of your stance on carbs) can aid significantly in weight loss. Also, after workouts, when your muscles are in recovery, protein (and the amino…