I'm tall at 5ft 10
Thanks for all the compliments it's nice to here and everyone else on there progress pictures you look amazing keep it up!!
To be honest I don't know specifically but I'm around about 5ft 10 x
Thank you so much!!!!
Thanks I'm tall so the weight fits nicely... It's taken me 7 and a half months to get to where I am the now
Hi I've lost 26 pounds so far and have only just dropped from a size 20 in jeans to a size 18! For the top part I'm a size 18-16 in tops and still am so don't worry about it :)
Update time - I've got 26 days left and have lost 1st 12 pounds!!! Proud
Thank you for the advice I keep telling myself not to stop but it's so difficult. Temptations are everywhere but I feel like I can do it this time it's just too easy to go off of track.
Yes I've lost roughly 11 pound in 3 1/2 weeks so far :)
If your swimming then your muscles will begin to grow meaning your muscle mass will be bigger which is a good thing and since muscle weighs more than fat it will make it look like you aren't losing weight but realisticly you could be and beging to be healthier but the muscle outweighs the fat in weight. Hope this helped x