

  • Here is a decent quick read for reading about re-feeds. For some people, if they are not losing weight they simply need to drop the calories. However, some people genuinely do need to re-feed when they stop losing weight. For me, the cause of my weight loss was…
  • I had a similar problem in that I was stuck at 63kg for over 3 months. I did a refeed day just once and instantly the next week my weight dropped. These arent broscience and just because you are overweight doesnt mean you dont need them. If you have been at a deficit for an extended period of time then you will likely need…
  • REFEED have a very high carb day eating at maintenance once a week. If this doesnt work then you need to lower your calories. Look into refeed days, they are important when eating at a deficit for a long time eventually causing fat loss to stall if you dont do them. Everyone seems to skip these but they are important. They…