

  • (*) Golud pawb ei ymgais (*) One's effort is one's reward!! One of my favourite Welsh quotes, and my high school motto. You will achieve if you strive to succeed but battles aren't won in the quick fight but in the years of dedication
  • Sweetie, the scales may have stayed the same but I promise you haven't
  • And do t forget there is still a workout without using your foot (I've seen spent three weeks of the year in a cast and still struggling to weightbare on my foot after breaking it, but have still been at the gym working out 10-14hours a week) x
  • To Note I have a condition called wernickes encephalopathy which has caused mild brain damage which has resulted in ataxia and fatigue. For those who don't know ataxia is a condition that causes balance and coordination problems. So I have some mobility problems and rely on a wheelchair and crutches
  • Sounds awesome I will check it out chick
  • Thank You so much! I really do enjoy it even all the aches and pains