

  • Logging 11,062 steps for today! Have a good weekend everyone, and stay well.
  • Today I managed to get in 7,283 steps, not too shabby for cold rainy weather I'd say :) everyone is posting great numbers! Keep up the amazing work!
  • Make sure you don't beat yourself up too harshly about falling off the MFP wagon, what matters is you caught up with it and hopped back in :D lapses happen with any fitness regime we're only human after all
  • Today I logged 11,867 steps! That's my new personal best, I am so excited. I went a total of 6 miles. Though I see many people logging way more than that, to me it's great. I feel great, I walked all the way to my local library and looked at lots of materials to help me along my journey to a new and more healthy me.
  • This is a wonderful thread! I'm determined to make a lifestyle change that will leave me healthy, fit, and happy. I aim to lose 53-60 pounds, I'm 5'3" and 189lbs. I started eating more nutritionally on January 1st, but started going for walks on the 6th. I almost got to 10,000 steps! Since then I've reached about…
  • I always forget to breath lol After about 3 sit-ups I'm like 'oh yeah, I need air' I heard planks were great but difficult for beginners, but I think I'll give your suggestion a go and Google that. It also may be time to invest in a mat. I'm so new at all of this, but I'm determined to make this lifestyle change and become…