Check out You create a contract outlining your goal, then put money on the line. Each week you check in and if you haven't succeeded, the site charges your credit card and gives it to charity. you can even set it up so it goes to a charity or cause that you don't like. It's very motivating.
Sorry, I'm new here. Didn't know there was a dead horse in the room already.
Never mind.
I recently quit WW because I just wasn't losing weight. I think that the free fruit and veggies add up, so for me it's better to go with straight calories on MFP. It keeps me honest about tracking everything that goes in my mouth. Also, I noticed that my calorie limit on MFP is only 1300/day, which is lower than what I was…
I would ditch the breakfast cereal in favor of and scrambler made of - 1 egg plus 1/2 cups egg beaters - One tablespoon grated parmesan (low calorie but adds a noticeable cheesy flavor) - 1 chopped up piece of ham, turkey sausage, or morningstar (soy) sausage. It really packs the protein in first thing in the morning,…
Sorry to hear that you're frustrated. I've been there! I agree with the others who suggest being as accurate as possible with measuring. Also, be sure you're not overestimating the intensity of your workouts. (Overestimating the calories burned.) If you're in the mode of getting back in shape, it's possible that your…