33 And really need to make this happen add me :)
I will definitely try that. Do u think I can make this in the morning and take to work? I know sometimes things ate not the same wben reheated.
Zbuffbod, thank you so much for the tips.Shaunsmoot , the issue is always the side dishes I don't fry food but the pasta, rice, or potatoes os the killer.I dont eat veggies although I make them for the family. Can anyone give me a good way to reintroduce them. I lile salads just l&t but dont like any dressing which makes…
J acksonpt , I don't sit and eat its more like queen says instead of cooking 2 meals I eat what I cook for the family. Well 45 I'd my total loss goal mayb 25 is more realistic.
That's 45 pounds by June****