bshaw86 Member


  • Ya I've dieted before until I hit below 10% body fat, that was over a year ago and I remember being so much more discipline and I did it with intermittent fasting but once I stopped its been so hard to hit my goals, I'm aiming for below 10% again and I count macros and have been trying to keep my carbs a little low which…
  • Thanks for all the advice, ya today I tried eating little less during day and fitting my meals around the time I go to the gym. When I'm done with the gym I eat 2 high protein meals complex carbs, sometimes I'll just wake up out of a dead sleep and go right for the peanut butter lol, I have a serious addiction to peanut…
  • If I don't eat enough calories before my workout my energy And strength seem to suffer a lot,Ya I have done intermittent fasting which saw great results, and allowed me to eat more at night but once I stopped its been hard to get back into it.