davisonhome Member


  • 10/7 Calories - 1343/1500 Exercise - NA on weekends Weight - 180.2, same as Friday morning, but up .2 from Saturday. -4.4 from last Monday Today I'm starting "weekly goal planning" and I'm already behind on what I planned (sheesh), so I'll leave it at this. I'm not happy with my weekend progress, too many sugar choices,…
  • @Hanswifey You read my mind! I'm drinking my morning brew and planning right now! It's weird about structure. Why do we get so hung up on the weekends? I'm really not sure. Is it because it's a break from work and such that we make it a break from food, common sense, goals, planning? For me, that's not even reasonable,…
  • 10/6* Calories - 2015/1500 - I'm not thrilled about this, but there was nobody but me shoving seven sugar cookies, a few stray peanuts and pork rinds in my mouth yesterday except me. Oh....and one bite-sized mini cupcake. That's what started the whole "one more won't hurt," mentality, but obviously it did. The crazy part…
  • @Dawnie44410 I am so with you. I did the same, more than once, and right now, recording and 10,000 steps are an effort, but at least it's an effort we're making, right? I'm trying to plan my food at the start of the day and input in MFP, then follow that plan. Maybe something similar would help you? During the week I do…
  • 10/5* Calories - 1440/1500; stayed 60 under (this is my number one goal, to get my eating under control) * Exercise - 10,000 steps. Did NOT get my 15 minutes of body weight exercise. This is something new I want to add, but did not get it started. Shooting for Monday instead. I usually take the weekends off from my "usual"…
  • Hi there - I've never done a challenge before and would love to participate. For the first post (I started using MFP again on 10/1, so I'll input that info), then post later today as catch for the week. Goals:* Minutes of exercise per day: 10,000 steps/day, 5 days per week and wanting to add 15 minutes body weight exercise…
  • I'm in! I've never done a MFP challenge, so this will be a first - not sure what's involved??