Larissa_NY Member


  • Dude, listen: YOU ARE TOO OLD FOR THAT. I'm sorry, that's very blunt, but tact does not seem to be getting the message across. I know that you do not feel middle-aged inside, but you are, and that fact has to be reckoned with. Women don't stay in stasis until a man comes along and pulls them out of cryo. As other people…
  • Wasn't it Coco Chanel who said that at some point every woman will have to choose between her face and her butt? I'll be 50 in a few months. I'm letting my hair go grey so I can have it colored that trendy ash-grey color, and believe me, I do not always love it. I'm trying to lose the perimenopause wine belly. Not all…
  • I have a Best Belt and I love it. Great quality, highly recommended.
  • I have mine during, because I get thirsty. Sometimes protein shakes can make people a little nauseated, though, so maybe your trainer just doesn't want you barfing on him like one of those deadlifting videos on Youtube.
  • Deadlifts don't require spotters. I'm not even sure how you'd spot someone at it. Squats don't really either as long as you've got bars to drop the weight onto if it you can't make the lift. Generally you only need a spotter to keep the weight from falling on you and injuring you. If you're ready to get into lifting but…
  • I have the same issues, so I had to start going before work. I have to get up at an ungodly hour, but when I'm done, I'm done for the day and I can go home after work with a clear conscience.
  • So, one problem is that a wife is not a possession that you acquire, and it kind of sounds like you don't get that. If a guy I was dating told me he'd had an engagement ring account for years I would run like the wind and not look back, especially if I knew he'd never had a girlfriend. That would tell me right there that…
  • If you're lifting heavy, I honestly don't think the MFP "you burned X calories so you have Y remaining" approach is all that useful. It's too hard to estimate what your level of effort was. If none of your lifts are close to body weight you won't burn that many, but moving ten or twenty thousand pounds of weight in an hour…
  • I haven't signed up for one of these, but I think about it pretty often, because I hate to cook. And no way am I eating a can of tuna dumped into a bag of lettuce because just the thought grosses me out. Bad news, guys: like most things, cooking is not inherently virtuous, and liking it does not make you a better person…
  • 1. "Hey, I've asked you repeatedly to stop this and nothing changes. It makes me feel like you don't respect me enough to stop doing something when I tell you it bothers me a lot. That's really not a trivial thing in a relationship. Comments about my eating are off-limits, and please don't talk about my eating habits with…
  • I lost like 35 pounds in my 40s. I'm not going to lie and say it's not harder now than it is when you're 20, but I don't think it's because of hormones, it's because - between lower energy levels and a fuller day - I don't move as much now as I did then, either in terms of deliberate exercise or just normal daily movement,…
  • If standing desks counted as exercise, no one who has a job where they're on their feet all day would ever be overweight or obese.
  • Have you tried men's shirts? They don't fit like a dream, because boobs, but they at least won't cut off the circulation in your shoulders.
  • It's 340 calories, let it go. You don't have to eat right up to the 0-calories-left mark every day. In fact, given the inherent inaccuracies involved in counting calories, that's a very good way to put yourself into a surplus without realizing it.
  • I use the TDEE method when I log calories. It's a pain that the free version of MFP won't let you set different calorie goals for workout and non-workout days, but I just write down what targets I should be hitting on workout days and ignore what MFP tells me about whether I'm over or under. IMO the strict MFP method does…
  • At 330 pounds, you have time to start now and save for surgery to remove the loose skin. It's not a vanity thing or an admission of failure; it's just being practical, and lots of people who have slimmed down from morbid obesity do it. If you start saving now, then if you get down to a normal BMI and decide you don't need…
  • God, mine too. And fat gains go there first, but in a really weird way, so that I kind of have fat bulges under my eyes and around my jawline. My fat-depositing genes need Jesus.
  • I had roast broccoli for lunch. Everyone knows that broccoli grows only in soil that has previously grown coffee bushes, so the caffeine soaks into the soil and travels back up through the broccoli stems. That's why your broccoli turns brown if you don't eat it right away - it's the coffee coming back out. It's harder for…
  • I honestly think this is the root of the issue. "Lean muscle" is a marketing term. I think it implies that you're going to build the type of muscle ballet dancers have, as opposed to the type of squat, bulging muscles people envision when they think of bodybuilding. Sadly for those of us whose natural state is short and…
  • Jogging isn't mandatory. If you already know you hate it, there's no reason to push yourself to get better at it, or to do it at all. There are a million things you can do in the gym (lifting, spin class, yoga, etc., etc.). You can walk or bike or go hiking. You can get out on a river or lake and kayak, if there's a river…
  • I can deadlift over 200 pounds and rack pull 365 and OHPs make me want to cry. I think the heaviest I've ever done is like 70 pounds. Even my bench press is better. My goal is to one day OHP my body weight, which means I need to lose at least 100 pounds so I can be the same weight I was in fifth grade.
  • I think you missed the point of the post. Yes, there are @ssholes in the gym. There are @ssholes everywhere. A person who goes to the gym determined to ferret out every single one of them so they can point and go "See? See? Fit people are jerks!" will probably come away with at least a couple of anecdotes they can pull out…
  • Victoria's Secret Knockout bras. I will seriously never wear another kind. I have a really wide rib cage and shoulders so trying to struggle out of regular sports bras is murder even without being sweaty and having post-workout noodle arms.
  • I don't need to feel like a woman because I am a woman. I mean, that's just a basic fact of my existence. Nothing I can do short of gender reassignment surgery is going to turn me into a man. This is true no matter how I'm dressed, whether or not I'm wearing makeup, or how much I'm squatting. Femininity isn't a clubbing…
  • C4 isn't made for women, but the blue fizz flavor is awfully tasty. That's the one I use. I use a little less than a full scoop because otherwise it makes me a little queasy and the beta alanine tingles get annoying.
  • Even if the encounter happened the way the OP said, it's still pretty unfortunate that she blew it up into "ALL fit people are judging ALL non-fit people at the gym ALL THE TIME" instead of "Omg, look at the two jerks I met today." A lot of people here are intimidated enough by the gym as it is and a thread title like that…
  • I'm quite familiar with life, thanks. "Life" doesn't mean you aren't allowed to be annoyed by other people's idiocy. The OP handled herself just fine. It's okay for her to be pissed off when other people don't understand that there are basic safety precautions that need to be taken when iron is in play, because people get…
    in Annoyed Comment by Larissa_NY March 2017
  • If they weren't, then they're idiots, and the OP is right to be annoyed. Being in the weight area isn't like strolling past the treadmills on your way to the elliptical. People are lifting heavy weights with no support. Being completely oblivious to where you are in relation to the people around you is the fastest way to…
    in Annoyed Comment by Larissa_NY March 2017
  • Wait. Tell me more about these adult protein shakes.
  • It's clearly a big lie that the average woman is a size 14, because I'm only a size 8 and my best friend is a size 10.