braleatrahan Member


  • Thank you ladies so much! Your advice helped clear things up for me a lot
  • Baby is on solids once a day, and I have already noticed a decrease in milk due to that, still trying to adjust to that concept lol. in the past, I have measured my food. When im conscious of what im eating I am satisfied with 2700, i actually find it to be a bit much, but its obviously not since im gaining weight im over…
  • Did u slowly work ur way back into it?
  • One more question, eating to maintain my weight puts me a little over 2700 calories, obviously I am eating more than that now if im gaining weight, but this seems excessive im order to lose weight. Start here and slowly drop my intake?
  • Thank you so much! That helped break it down so much better! My baby is 5 and a half months old and I have been fighting tooth and nail to stay nursing. I am so depressed with my weight and the way i look, and i am unfortunately not one of the lucky ones who loses weight while breastfeeding.