Katee_50 Member


  • I hope everyone had a successful day today. This is day 16 and I'm struggling with temptation so I am making myself accountable and posting a message to you ladies to say that I will not cave :). Wish me luck
  • Hey ladies' I will say that the first few days were rough and I had headaches but honestly for the last 10 days or so it's been really good with only being my willpower. Hang in there. Also, I do have my one coffee in the morning with 5% cream and 1-2green tea during the day and a ton of water!!!!
  • Hey Kathrynpratt, good for you getting back on the program, I don't know if I would do this again?. WFinish strong on that cleanse I really had to focus on life as opposed to food, it's funny how much of my thinking involved food. One thing about being on this 30 dY program, I have been extremely productive! Good luck…
  • Hmmm pointers, well, for me it was a day by day accomplishment and for each day I cross off my calendar Gett a little bit stronger. I will be starting day 16 tomorrow and had my second weigh this mornin- 2 week mark and I am down 9 pounds (4kilos). My energy is up and truly I feel good. Just tell yourself, you are worth it…
  • Well Day 8 has arrived and I have to admit I am feeling pretty good overall. My energy level is up, I'm sleeping better and I am down 7.6 lbs. It's not easy by any means but the key for me is staying in the mindset of a no fail mission
  • That's great, soo good for you, it is a strict challenge for sure. I am at the end of day 5 and going to weigh myself Wednesday morning. I do feel a loss tho as I have space in my clothes, great feeling. I do have to say cleanse day was a little long but managed to get through it ! Thanks for the message and have a…