

  • I have a question. Is this the type of program you want to do when you are better shape, or to help you lose weight? I am out of shape and I need to lose weight and I would like to do some strength training because know it is important.
  • @MKknits‌ - Lol. Well at least now the world has you as a teacher! I have found good and bad teachers sprinkled around me. And some who just weren't my learning style. Those I don't blame, especially if they try multiple ways to help me. But yeah... paying money to be confused and take exams isn't fun!
  • @kah68 - That is impressive. I only work part time, just not the last two semesters. Like the last one or this one. I have been out of school for two years due to moving and trying to become a resident of the state. lol Sounds like something I would do. You just get so busy with life and especially with a full time job,…
  • @melifornia - I hope you don't mind, but I decided to copy your planning schedule to do list thingy! MFP Weekly Goals: January 18-24 Diet Goals * At/Under calorie limit 5/7 days - #/7 Exercise Goals * Gym for at least 30 minutes of cardio at least 2/7 days - #/7 Health Goals * Get 8 hours of sleep - #/7 P-Exam Goals…
  • @kah68 - EKKK! As big as rodents? Nope! No thank you! lol I can understand why... this cold makes my bones ache so much! @MKknits‌ - I am sorry I read your post to mmwalkingqueen! But that is a BAD BAD math teacher! Statistics is stressful enough on its own, same with math. And she shouldn't be a teacher if she can't solve…
  • I am new!
  • @Skinnyjeanzbound - lol It is terrible, They have these crickets that have spider legs and can jump half way up my 5'2" shortness and a good three feet long ways. And they are hard to squish, and sort of act like moths, jumping which every direction. I am going to use the gym at school, three days a week. But it is an hour…
  • @ereilly311‌ - I am so very sorry for your loss. That is so terrible she suffered for so long and that no one even had an idea of what was wrong. I am sure that was just as frustrating to her friends like you and her family. I am so sorry. I am having the same sort of realization. I have lost people and last year I worked…
  • @hansea47‌ - Thank you for your support and inspiring words. I think you are right. I will have to start with what I can do. I think working out will be the hardest for me because I will only have three days that I can use the school gym. The other two days I go to school are just jam packed. So, the three should be good…
  • Hello everyone! I hope to get to know you and be apart of the hard work and accomplishments that I know we can make this year in a move forward to a better lifestyle to make ourselves the best that we can be. I have been on and off MFP for a while. And I have come to realize life isn't going to slow down for me to just…