demuz Member


  • The question was, what can she use instead of sugar dude
  • Eliminate dairy. Start adding good bacteria in your diet, either with supps or yogurt/kefir. Plus Make sure you're getting all the fibre you need daily
  • Ok you're now eating 3500 calories, great, but you want to make sure your macros are in check as well, 50% from carbs, 30% pro, 20% fat. If you're not gaining I suggest upping the carbs and you WILL gain weight. I was on 4500 calories, couldn't gain any weight Bcoz I listened to peoples advice of having whipped cream,…
  • For a general estimate on bulking calories, check on you should be gaining about 0.5kg a week and then adjust your calories according. Since your bulking, you don't technically need to be watching the foods you're eating too closely, just try to hit your daily calories. Hope this helps