fitlisa66 Member


  • Thanks for the encouragement and for the group connection - today was indeed better. I made it to the gym for a yoga class and about an hour on the treadmill, took all my vitamins and supplements, and stayed within my caloric range. I went a tiny bit over on fat and sugar and almost made my protein. I was also able to get…
  • Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 15lbs Net weight loss from June 8th: 0lbs Favorite motivators: ? Resolutions for this week: log food Not a great first day. Busy with myriad tedious duties as I transition back into "normal" life after a week away. Feeling tired and not at all motivated. Didn't eat awful food but also…
  • Hello, my name is Lisa. I'm a poet/writer and teacher. I literally just finished my MFA program (Friday June 5th). I will be 49 in July and would like to loose a total of 40 pounds before my fiftieth birthday. I have been gradually changing my eating habits for several years and remain pretty active, going to the gym at…
  • Thanks Linzer140fit for the tip about metabolism and especially for the great analogy of tripping down stairs. Both VERY helpful!