Joaniecan2014 Member


  • Hi, I went through a Bikram phase a few years ago. I didn't lose any weight, but I definitely toned up and was curvy. The class teacher would often mention that we were burning 500 or more calories per class.
  • I'm in!! I'd love to lose 50,but would settle for 40,30, 20, 10 !! Something to give me boost!! Started this just after the holidays and I'm up! I'm in denial and will not even put my correct weight on FP !!
  • Hi, I'm on a neverending rollercoaster. I recently turned 40 and had a goad to lose weight for it, that didn't happen! I ended up gaining and I run a lot. So I've recently given up alcohol and gained 6lbs since. Go figure? I have a vacation coming up in the early summer and really need some help!!!