It's pretty much the same every day so the drinks that are Already in my diary are what I have on a daily basis, so med or large cool lime refresher or 1.5 pump white mocha no fat with no whip
I'm finding it hard eating regularly on a daily basis, I work at Starbucks and when I'm at work I dnt eat barely anything, I try to pack my own lunch, but even then find that I barely eat, I'm not sure why I dnt eat at work but then I come home and I eat, I need to find a balance during the day especially while I'm at…
Thanks everyone, the advice is great, I do try very hard to stay away from bad food and watch what I eat, I'm going to try and find other foods that are healthier like fruit and yogurt, stuff like that:) I need a lot of help and support to get where I am trying to be weight and fitness wise. So I thank u all and will take…
It keeps saying invalid user name so I think u will have to add me instead :$ dnt know what I'm doing wrong
I have added u, still getting the hang of this so hopefully u got it
Awsome, it's nice to have help and motivation :) I will add u :)