

  • You should probably get a caliper and do a meticulous review of your diet..I have never heard of lifting causing any increase in bodyfat %. Gain weight? Absolutely. body fat? I just cannot see that at all. I too have a body composition scale..When my weight changes do to gains (lifting) my scale says my body fat is higher.…
  • I too lose weight last on my tummy..For most of us its just the hard fact. I dropped my body fat to 17% by Mostly Lifting/hiit and eating 1800-2000 cals. At around 19% I would say I could see my abs and my stomach was flat. I don't worry about what I weigh at all now. Only body fat %. I would do high intensity training…
  • I love this program and the Ripped in 30..They helped me a lot. I won't be joining at the moment but I just wanted to say good luck to you all!
  • I have lost 40lbs in a 5 month period and kept it off for over a year..and it was easy. I now help others do the same...Misconceptions about food/diets and lack of personal accountability are the biggest culprits. Once you get a better understanding of nutrition losing weight gets easier...and it is NOT miserable. If you…