ilovediatoms Member


  • what's not healthy about pepperoni pizza? that's also a mix of proteins, carbs and fats ;)
  • if you clicked on the link i provided, that's what it says, minus the milk. i mentioned sugar because if you don't make your own sauce (many people don't), store-bought jars of sauce generally have added sugar. and like i said before, eat what you want, just be objective about the nutrition
  • if you clicked on the link i provided, that's what it says, minus the milk. i mentioned sugar because if you don't make your own sauce (many people don't), store-bought jars of sauce generally have added sugar. and like i said before, eat what you want, just be objective about the nutrition
  • :s me too homemade spaghetti bolognese may be lower in calories than pizza, but it's not much healthier...think about it: depending on the type of pasta, you're still getting processed, high glycemic carbs, just like from the pizza crust. if you use sauce from a jar, it's typically full of added sugar and sodium. and then…
  • In my personal experience, MFP severely underestimates my calories burned during exercise, however, that is probably because generally I lift weights and do HIIT (instead of walking or running). I wear a heart rate monitor so I can get a more accurate calculation. Also, if you're trying to lose weight, why include calories…
  • Avocado is a good source of fat, even when you're trying to lose weight, as long as it's in moderation. I tend to pair it with tex-mex type dishes instead of eggs, because eggs are also a source of fat. Peanut butter and nuts, though, I can never fit those in my daily calories when I'm losing weight :( You can try powdered…
  • You're not eating enough during the work day, so you get home and you're really hungry, so you eat the closest and fastest thing, which may not be the best option. Lean protein and slow-digesting carbs (like brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, etc.) will really help keep you full for less calories, and, while chicken…
  • I like a small amount of some really good dark chocolate or the Dole dark chocolate covered frozen strawberries (they come in 60 cal packs). My husband and I also love the chocolate chip cookie dough Yasso bars (or any of the Yasso frozen greek yogurt flavors really). They are only 100 cal, 5g of protein and are just as…
  • from the research i've done, i don't recommend going below 1200 calories/day. i'm 5'1, 115 lbs and i lost 20 lbs/2 pant sizes in roughly 8 months. not by counting calories, mind you, it was by lifting. i strongly recommend eating enough so that you can build some strength, and that muscle will help you burn more calories…