zara_2010 Member


  • I’m actively bulking at the moment, on week 3 of my bulk and up by 5lbs this far. I’m a 5.4ft female and intend to shred in 9 weeks.
  • app (which is free) have 100's of free video demonstrations and workout plans. I was the same when I first started out, now I dominate the gym floor lol.
  • This 1200 cal set by my fitness pal is unhealthy and so general. The brain and body systems need at least 900cals to function. Work out your TDEE (can google it or use the app which is free) to work out the right amount of calories, protein, carbs, fat etc for your and lifestyle. I lift weights, I'm 39,…
  • Hi there, certainly know what that feels like. I've just got on track since having my daughter (20yr gap between my two children). I was a bodybuilder before my last and it totally messed me up lol. Stay strong, you can do it. Feel free to add me.
  • Hi there, feel free to add me. I'm a qualified PT and Nutritional Adviser although this is not my day job. But could offer advice and support.
  • Hi there, feel free to add me. Just getting back to bodybuilding after having my baby, and boy it's been hard this time around. So I know how you feel.
  • I'm a qualified PT although that's not my day job anymore, but I'm happy to help. Feel free to add me :)
    in Help me! Comment by zara_2010 May 2016
  • Hi there, it's a combination of exercise, nutrition and rest. Work out your TDEE which should certainly be more than 1200 cals if lifting weights. Increase your water intake to flush water out and do cardio between your lifting days. You need 1-2g protein a day per 1lb and will need to increase carbs to 1g per lb on…