Thank you for insight! Helpful!
Thanks, @jvt63 . Felt for a second I was being whiney! I needed to hear it! It is harder! I am not using it as an excuse to do nothing, throw my hands up and forget it...just realizing that what works now is going to be different from what kept me fit / healthy in the past...and I have to figure it out. Some trial and…
Forgive me @mamacoates not sure how to add you to my stay in touch list....
Thank you, thank you! These are exactly the issues I was addressing...I think I didn't explain myself too well in my initial post.
I do strength training, yoga and cycling. Pretty active in general, but never really calorie counted. Thus my question of balance as I gain weight! From your suggestions and what I have read, lower % of carbs seems the way to go! Thanks again to all.
Middlehaitch, that answers my question, thanks!
Thanks for all the input.