RestlessinNYC Member


  • I live in New York, the oven is my largest storage closet.
  • Things are going ok for me. I've had a pretty busy week which has been a bit tough when I've got home from work I've really not felt like cooking, but I'm powering through. I am struggling a bit with having no energy at all - I thought I would be feeling much more energetic, but mostly I just want to sleep! At least its…
  • I'm jumping on the bandwagon. I have about 145lbs to lose and am looking for some friends to keep me on the straight and narrow. I'm doing the whole30 challenge through January and will then continue with a paleo/low carb style diet. Please add me if you want to do this together!
  • I'm very jealous, I live in New York city and finding it quite hard to get things at a reasonable price! Sure there's lots of whole foods etc that have the things we need, but I small jar of almond butter was $15! I figured it wasn't worth it, but would like to try it some time. It is a good thing though, doing this…
  • I have my dinners planned out, but kind of winging it for breakfast and lunch. Worked out well today, I just had poached eggs with spinach, asparagus and squash. Was really nice and makes a change to have a savory breakfast as I would usually have oatmeal or toast with something sweet on. And tonight I've got a pork joint…
  • I've started my Whole 30 today too! I've been doing some reading online to try and get my head around all the rules - some don't make sense to me, but I'm willing to give anything a go. Best of luck to us all! 2016 is going to be the year I make some changes. :)
  • I am! Living in New York for 18 months now but originally from London.