Rkbals Member


  • I would love to find some people to help motivate and to help me stay motivated. I would even be happy with 10 pounds weight loss but tend to take on the problems of those around me as if it’s my own stress…then suddenly lose motivation. My cholesterol has been high in the past and my husband’s is at a concerning level to…
  • Was doing okay. Then got a phone call that kind of ramped up the emotional level and so I gave into the cravings. In the past I might’ve said heck with it and dug myself a deeper hole. Instead, I’m trying to stop, stay positive, and not throw in the towel
  • Netflix is another downfall!! My husband has a pretty severe back problem so he’s wanting me to binge watch with him. Previous to the back issue he was my motivation to stay fit because he was always so disciplined about his workouts. I’ve found it difficult going solo. Maybe we can all encourage each other so we stick…
  • Please add me! I am doing pretty well with daytime eating habits and then totally derail from dinner on. Lately, I have also been derailed by illness as well. I’ve never really used the Community section of MFP even though I’ve logged for years. Hoping to benefit from a group/team approach. I could use and am willing to…
  • I’d like to join in. I’ve been reading books on Intuitive Eating lately and realize that though I have the head knowledge, I need something that makes me feel accountable! I am trying to lose about 7 pounds that I just can’t seem to take off—mostly due to mindless eating I believe.