

  • Graves Disease here (hyper) but I'm currently on the hypo end of normal and have gained a massive amount of weight. Every 6 months or so I swing from hypo to hyper and vise versa... So I'm always losing weight extremely fast or I'm packing on the lbs because I've gone the other way. I currently see an endo but I'm looking…
  • Thanks for all the advice!! I'll definitely be using some of these tips!
  • I do find it harder because I have 4 kids...I don't want them to feel like just because mom is on diet then we are too...I don't give them sweets very often but I do keep like a bag of herseys kisses and some granola bars in the house for them. But then they bring home treat bags from some school party or a kid had a…
  • I find myself doing ok during the day but by the time night falls and I've run around all day and finally get 4 kids into bed, I'm ready to rip the door off the fridge and eat whatever cupcake, ice cream bar, piece of pizza I can find. I need help!!!
  • Geez posted on accident lol anyways I'm looking to lose 150 lbs and I'm always open to new ideas and any recipes you may have that are gluten free. Thanks much!! Have an awesome day!