schulemm Member


  • Thank you everyone for the tips. I'm currently out on maternity leave and will have to go back to work in December. I have tried the morning workouts which seem to be so much better. Today I incorporated my lo into my Pilates workout. All and all I'm figuring this two kid life balance while getting in workouts and eating…
  • I'm also on a 1200 calorie plan and also was at my heaviest. I'm 5 foot (on a good day) and I'm 162lbs. Feel free to add me...I could definitely use the motivation.
  • Hi ladies! I'm 7 weeks pp (I also have a three year old) and I'm looking to lose 30 pounds. I didn't put on much weight during my pregnancy but I started off at 165 (I'm only 5 foot in a good day). Before I got pregnant I was in a bad place emotionally and used food to make myself feel better. I ate because I was unhappy…