

  • Hello! I was using another app but it was lacking, I found this one and am impressed! I am on the eastern shore of Maryland. I work out at home. I am a mother of 3 ( 17, 6 and 2). I have 70+ lbs I am beginning to shed. I am excited and motivated and would love to have friends that are as well!
  • Congratulations on your motivation! Good luck with those temptations.
  • Easter Shore, Maryland :) i have 70+ lbs to shed and I feel amazing after just one week of working out at home. I just found this app and am impressed and excited by what they have freely made available! I am surrounded by people who are either healthy or happy with their weight and although I have my family's support I…
  • I am also from eastern shore Maryland. Just turned 36 last week and I am motivated to lose 70+ lbs for my family and myself!
  • I am a mother of 3 (17, 6 and 2). I lost the weight with no effort with first two (boys) but my daughter was a more difficult pregnancy and 2 1/2 years later I am heavier than I was at the end of my pregnancy. I am finally in a positive "I can do this!" place now and would love some friends for the journey!