zebedeeclare Member


  • It's not been a bad week, light on exercise for many reasons so all the more surprising on the weight loss front Original starting weight -208lb June starting weight - 205.5lb (taken on 31/05) June goal - 200 Ultimate goal - 170 June 1st - 203.9 June 8th - 202.8 June 15th - 200.6 June 21st - June 28th - Total loss for June…
  • Thanks - it was nice to get out and get the legs working again :-) I did the marathon there in April
  • Hiya, A bit of a June late starter here, I'm not going to set a distance challenge, so my target is to run twice a week. I've kind of fallen out of running since London and need to get my mojo back and quickly as I have a 10k race tomorrow and a HM on 1st July
  • Hiya - kind of a little late to the table but hope it's ok if I join in. Original starting weight -208lb June starting weight - 205.5lb June goal - 200 Ultimate goal - 170 June 1st - 203.9 June 8th - 202.8 June 15th - June 21st - June 28th - Total loss for June :- 2.5lb so far