julyskb Member


  • I have chill bumps reading your story! Beautiful! Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment!
  • Hello! I am joining this group for some added accountability. I have done insanity and P90X in the past and had good results. I just had my second baby and am looking to get back into shape. I'm starting with T25. I'm excited to try it 1) I don't have all the workouts memorized (yet...lol) and 2) it's only 25 min/ day so I…
    in Welcome! Comment by julyskb April 2016
  • Sorry I have been MIA (again)! That's awesome you went back a few weeks and have continued pushing through! I've officially not followed the program for about 6 weeks now. I've done a workout here and there but was feeling awful. Turns out I'm expecting! Yay! I got the ok from my doc on Friday to keep doing insanity so I…
  • Amazing!! You're progress is inspirational! You look fantastic and kudos to sticking to your guns. Congratulations! And good luck on your audition!!!
  • I am lol not at your unfortunate series of events but because I am the exact same! Excuses, excuses....and then I'm full of them! I started back this week in earnest and thought about doing recovery week again but decided against it. Oh my goodness- this second month is so hard! BUT I also think it's where the serious…
  • PS tell us when you post results so I can look for them!
    in Struggling Comment by julyskb May 2015
  • :) Good for you! I'm so glad to hear you've had great results! That IS encouraging! Here goes nothing....
    in Struggling Comment by julyskb May 2015
  • Good insights!! I didn't know about X3. Summer is always so busy with other things that may be the perfect option!
  • I'm way behind on this convo but I was curious what everyone is doing next too. I looked into crossfit before, but it was actually really expensive (for me), which is why I opted for insanity. I've been thinking about doing p90x next. I've done all the workouts before, but bever followed the program. I felt before I didn't…
  • ^ugh wasn't finished :) BUT I am starting back month 2 tomorrow- no excuses!!! Congrats on almost being done! What are your results? What's next?
    in Struggling Comment by julyskb May 2015
  • That's awesome! I fell off the wagon and haven't worked out at all the last 10 days.
    in Struggling Comment by julyskb May 2015
  • Sorry I am just replying! I'm so impressed you stuck with it 100%. I fell off the wagon about a week ago- I'm in Houston and we had some flooding + were already in the middle of renovating our kitchen. I about lost my mind. Im so mad/sad I didn't do a better job of sticking with it! Im starting back tomorrow and decided I…
  • Ouch! Good luck! You can do it!!
    in Struggling Comment by julyskb May 2015
  • @ Amdawells- how far into the program are you? I am starting week 2 post-recovery week tomorrow. I see a difference in my legs and arms/shoulders. I, too, am annoyed by the layer of baby weight I haven't been able to shed yet and starting to feel a bit frustrated the scale isn't budging!
  • ^it cut off my post. The update is that I did work out. I won't know if it truly works or not unless I see it through, right?!
  • I am feeling burned out. I'm actually sitting on this community board instead of doing my week 4 workout now!
  • That's what I figured but I thought I had better double check! Thanks! :)
  • This was an encouraging post to read. I just finished week three and have lost 1 stinking pound. I'm feeling a little down about it because I've stuck to the diet and workout so religiously. I also started the program to lose weight. I hope there is some good muscle toning going on under there. I'll stick with it and see…
  • You go girl!! That is awesome! You can do it! Enjoy! :)
  • @kingsgirl...lucky you going on a cruise!! Are you taking a few days off or are you going to try and keep going? If it's the latter you are stronger-willed than I am!! Good luck! @ja9smakinachange- good luck! I agree with PP who said starting is the hardest part!
  • Hello! I am super excited to have found this group! Like the PP, I am used to group classes at the gym and it feels lonely at home. (I mean, I talk to Shaun but he doesn't talk back, so...). I am a newly stay at home mom with a six month old. I was the cliche pregnant lady who ate anything not nailed down and have been…