diegops1 Member


  • Raw veggies, raw fruit, dried fruit, nuts, pop-top cans of tuna & sardines. Since granola is considered eatable out of a baggie, consider lower calorie cereals also. Yoghurt is still good when kept at room temperature for a day. Reuse your baggies to save money. I buy food about 4 times per week because I have to share a…
  • Great grilled cheese! I've been bachting it for several years since my wife started working in the Middle East. Think you could come to my house and cook?
  • 17" is a standard seat width that was established in the 1930s when people were considerably smaller. Of course the airlines like to keep to that since it means they can pack more people in a smaller space. I fly internationally several times per year and try to avoid US carriers when I can due to the lack of knee room and…
  • I did a little Olympic lifting many years ago, but I worked out with a couple guys on the US Olympic team. The squat snatch is significantly more difficult than the clean and jerk due to the speed and balance required to get under the bar and still raise up with it. I would suggest looking for a coach. If you can't find…
  • So they have to be rational numbers, and not irrational? So √2 is not acceptable? By the way infinity is not a number. It is often treated as a number in mathematics by necessity, but it is not a number as is the set of real numbers. BTW, √2 may be an irrational number, but it is a real number.
  • What a great goal. I am looking forward to getting fit also, not just losing weight. I want to go mountain biking with my grandkids instead of taking them to a skate park and watching them do tricks. I took the 11 year old elk hunting this past fall and that was pretty difficult for me. I could only hunt every other day,…
  • I'm about 350 miles SW of you, but still in Colorado...barely. But I spent many years hiking and skiing in the Indian Peaks and the Diamond Peaks area.
  • Forget the highly processed "quick" oats and go with at least Quaker Old Fashioned. Look at other brands of rolled and steel cut oats. I love oats! Take a look at bulgar also. No need for sweetness, just chewy naturally sweet goodness. I like Bob's Red Mill grains because they are reasonably good and I can get them in my…
  • Excellent wine with your meals and someone to share it with.
  • 2 cups lima beans soaked over night rinsed and simmered for 2 hours in 8 cups of water Add 8 stalks celery chopped 1 Onion chopped 1 Cup mini carrots chopped 1 lb diced chicken breasts or ham if you are not vegetarian 1 Tsp minced garlic 1 Tsp oregano 1 Tsp rosemary 1 Tsp thyme Simmer for another 2 hours That was a recipe…
  • I pay very very little attention to BMR, TDEE, BMR and the rest of the calculator output. They don't work for me. Supposedly my BMR is 1883 and my TDEE is 2260. I will maintain on 1600, gain on 1883 and gain big time on 2260. I have to eat 1200 and burn an extra 350 to 400 a day in walking at noon that I don't eat back to…
  • So far none of us have mentioned the life expectancy of running shoes. I expect to get about 350 to 400 miles on mine. That means I buy about 3 to 4 pairs a year. This matters because the shoes will break down physically as you use them. It is not just the soles that wear down, all of the support features deteriorate with…
  • When I started skiing we still had rope tows and pomas. That was ok. Then came the chair lifts. I am terrified of heights. That was not ok. As to going down hill, I am terrified of being out of control in any situation and I was definitely out of control for several weekends. But everybody my age in Colorado was doing it.…
  • Been there, bought the T-shirts by the gross. 1st is a doctor, a real one, not a quack. Second, this might only take a couple days rest, or it could take an extended period. Do lots of research. Back injuries are the most common workplace injury in the US, but they can happen anywhere and any time even though you are doing…
  • "The Gypsy" by the Ink Spots. That makes me the oldest so far.
  • All of the above. Plus sardines, poptop can of GOOD tuna, lemon pepper, black pepper to season those.
  • I was an active outdoor athlete for many years. I took a desk job 10 years ago and that was sort of ok, but 8 years ago my wife started working in Iraq, now Afghanistan, and I gained 2.5 lbs per month for a year and then another 10 a little more slowly. Last year my kids house burned down and my daughter-in-law developed…
  • My goal is 190 which is a BMI of 24.7, right at the very top, within 0.3 of being overweight according to most standards. 192 would put me at a BMI of 25 and overweight. I was between 187 and 192 between the ages of 17 and 55 and I backpacked, climbed mountains all over the world, ran, cycled (including racing in college)…
  • Real food cooked at home. My reference cookbooks are my 1968 copy of Joy of Cooking, original Moosewood Cookbook and Tasajara Bread Book. I would rather savor smaller amounts of good tasting food than larger amounts of plastic drek (excuse my Yiddish).
  • E seja bem-vindo. Olvidei as boas maneiras.
  • Deveria dizer: e mais fácil falar y escrever en espanhol porque tenho mais oportunidades. See, I told you I have difficulties writing in Portuguese.
  • In Sydney? Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
  • Bom dia e boa sorte! Morei na Bahia há vinte cinco anos. Ainda posso ler o português, mas e difícil escrever. Na actualidade e mais fácil falar y escrever en espanhol porque tem mais oportunidades.
  • I like Coke, Cherry Coke and Dr. Pepper. Luckily there is a convenience store between home and work that still carries the 12 oz cans. About 45 years ago a friend of mine quit smoking by smoking half a cigarette and then throwing the rest away. Soon he was up to smoking a couple drags and throwing the rest of the pack…
  • Thank you for setting a reasonable, safe and potentially reachable goal. I've lost 11 lbs in 3 weeks following my plan. My goal is to lose 49 lbs, but it may take 9 months to a year. It took me 18 months to put it on, 2.5 lbs per month like clockwork. I have generally eaten pretty healthily for years but augment my diet…
  • I ran ambulance for years and 92 is pretty high for a resting rate. I would definitely get that checked out. I used to cycle at 160 to 190 bpm when I was 40 yrs old. According to the typical calculator at that time my target zone should have been between 120 and 155 with a max of 180 bpm. I could maintain between 160 and…
  • I snack every couple hours so I like small simple things. I second hard boiled eggs. I also keep raw almonds, 3 oz cans of Genovo Tonno in olive oil (tuna) that I add some lemon pepper to, sardines, apples, bananas, oranges, celery and Quest bars. I keep some small cans of beans on hand and when I need a bigger meal I fix…