ratlmega Member


  • Update: been doing pretty well. SW: 170 CW: 159 GW: 135 I've been keeping my carbs below 50 (would prefer 20 or less) but I've been doing HIIT 3x week. Feeling pretty good, just need to keep my mind in it and try a little harder to drop my carb count lower to drop some fat a little faster. Thinking about doing a TLS…
  • I am at 170#, I have done extreme low carb in the past and lost 50# in 3 mo. I cut my calories drastically and didn't exercise. I want to lose another 40# but want to exercise. Does anyone have any advise on what type of exercise (how long, how intense) to do while having a carb count of 30gm or less a day and calorie of…