

  • Good points. I also have used both. I don't hit those calorie levels with my smooties I don't believe but maybe it's a matter of what you use as a base. I use unsweetened almond milk usually. Ninjas are amazing for cooking I hear! I think a lot of people buy them for that, not blending smoothies. I just have a cheap $20…
  • "Most adults should eat at least nine servings (4½ cups) of vegetables and fruits daily (sorry, potatoes don't count). But few of us do. According to a 2009 survey by the Center for Disease Control, just 32.5% of adults consumed fruit two or more times per day and 26.3% eat vegetables three or more times per day. A healthy…
  • I have a blender as well and used to make smoothies a few times a week but the majority of smoothie recipes have banana in them and are just to sweet for me. I enjoy more tart things which is why I like the green juices with lemon and ginger. Also by juicing, I can get things like ginger into my diet because it's extremely…
  • Taken from: "1. Blend pulp into a smoothie to add fiber. 2. Add to a soup to thicken and boost fiber and nutrient density. 3. Use fruit pulp to make frozen “pulpsicles” or fruit pulp ice. 4. Make a veggie broth by boiling pulp with water, herbs, and…
  • I work, attend college full time, and am a mother to twin boys. I manage to take the time and effort to juice and have no "intestinal issues" as you mentioned I work, attend college full time, and am a mother to twin boys. I manage to take the time and effort to juice and have no "intestinal issues" as you mentioned. I…
  • Taken from Joe Cross's website. "How does it work? Juicing removes the insoluble fiber from vegetables and fruits. While fiber is an established, important part of an overall healthy diet, removing the insoluble fiber allows for increased absorption of specific health…
  • You can use pulp in recipes, you can compost it to be reused later in your garden. There are many articles out there that give you ideas of how to use your pulp. Some people feed it to their chickens as well. So if you are reusing it then you are wasting nothing.
  • Yes, that quote is true, but the average person does not meet their nutrient needs. When I don't juice, I get cravings because something is not being met for my needs and then I turn to unhealthy foods when I have cravings. When I drink juice, I don't crave those things so obviously it is assisting in my nutrient goals…
  • Going over calories keeps getting mentioned as well and I put my juices into my food log like anything else and I stay within my calorie goals just fine and I am able to still lose weight.
  • I completely understand the principle of the conservation of matter. I know that a juiced apple is not any more or less nutrient dense than the whole apple. I get MORE nutrients through juice based on that fact that I am consuming a much larger amount of produce by consuming PART of what I intake as juice, rather than…
  • But I AM getting my fiber because I EAT a balanced diet. I eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner EVERY DAY and every single one of those meals includes a fruit, a vegetable, or both. I drink my juice in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon too in addition to eating regular meals. So I am not depriving my body of anything.…
  • I do eat my food. I also do not understand how it doesn't make sense to you that taking a large amount of produce (that I could not eat in one day let alone one sitting) and juicing it to condense it to an amount I can consume PLUS eating more fruits and vegetables and other foods throughout the day does not seem to ADD…
  • Well congrats on your 80 pounds. One of my biggest diet challenges is sugar cravings and me drinking a green juice most mornings gives my body what it needs and curbs cravings for unhealthy food allowing for most of my intake to be fruits and vegetables, chicken and fish, nuts and seeds, and certain grains. I eat a very…
  • I also lose your basic healthy pound or 2 a week through juicing AND eating a nutritious diet of whole foods. I can drink 2 juices a day, eat breakfast lunch, and dinner and not go over my 1500 calories... So sounds like it adds up to me.
  • I typically juice a bag of spinach, a lemon, 4 apples, 4 celery stalks, ginger, and cilantro. All of which have nutrients in them. Juicing them does not make them magically have more nutrients but it does allow me to get a larger portion of fruits in veggies in one drink that I can have in the morning. Dark leafy greens…
  • People have completely REVERSED many illnesses through juicing. There are a large variety of ways to juice. You can juice and eat or you can just juice and people often juice for 15, 30, or even more days with absolutely no ill effects. You're body is given a break from digesting and your system resets itself and you are…
  • I juice everyday. I have done a 3 day "reboot" twice in the past but mainly make green juices and the occasional "orange" juice and have them every morning and sometimes in the afternoon. I have no issues whatsoever with going over my calories and drinking the juice that I make. Juicing is actually helping you ADD…
  • I like this website. The most important thing I learned from it was the very important step of blending your liquids and your greens FIRST then adding the other ingredients. I purchased a juicer so I don't make smoothies much anymore but this is where I started because a blender was cheaper…
    in Smoothies Comment by Krau January 2015
  • Probiotics need refrigeration as well. I buy mine from the pharmacy counter at my local hyvee. You don't need a prescription, but they keep them back there to be in the refrigerator.
  • Chia seeds were my biggest help with digestion before adding probiotics. I would put chia seeds in my water bottle or eat them in yogurt or oatmeal. You can add them to smoothies or soups or sauces as well. Eventually chia seeds weren't enough for me and I continued to have slow digestion so the addition of a good…