alysefindingbalance Member


  • Thank you! I figured out that I had to do it from my laptop and that it's not a feature I can change from my phone. :)
  • @lifting4lis I couldn't do this without a food scale! I weigh and measure everything! @akoullias, good luck to you! @auntchellebelle, and @nezyrumrunner thank you!! If any of you are on instagram, I'm: flabtofabalyse -- It's a great support system :)
  • @beautychicks01 - It's going well. I am on a 16 day streak and I'm down 6 pounds. I do an hour of circuit training (combo of lifting/cardio) 3 days a week, hot yoga 2-3 times a week and I walk my dog everyday. I eat a lot of fresh food. In between meals I have carrots, an apple, or almonds. I try to track my…
  • I have been burning an average of 500 calories a day & maintaining around 1200 calories. It has been 2 weeks and I'm down 6 pounds. I've been eating 5 times a day. I was under the impression that losing 2 pounds a week was completely attainable. I believe that I am cultivating a healthy relationship with many raw, whole…
  • Awesome! I would LOVE to hit it hard and make it to 25lbs! That would put me at 3lbs less than when I got married, which would be amazing. I was 130 when I met my husband, 154 on our wedding day, 176.8 at my heaviest (the start of this year) and currently down to 171.3. Where are you guys going on vacation?
  • I totally understand where you're coming from. My husband friend from college (who I haven't met) invited us over for the Superbowl (we live in Seattle) and said there would be around 20 people he hasn't seen in years from college there. I really, really don't want to go, because I have the same fear you do -- that they'll…
  • I added you! We're about the same age and have about the same goal. Don't give up! I agree with Naoxxx, it's best to increase protein and reduce carbs -- but as long as you stay within the guidelines, you'll lose.