

  • Actually, if you read studies, weight gain is common with many anti-diabetic drugs, metformin included. You should consider the fact that the purpose of anti-diabetic drugs aren't taken to lose weight. It's taken to promote cellular metabolism by increasing glucose uptake, decreasing hepatic glycogen release, and…
  • I actually find the class B medications to be a little sketchy. By definition, it means that safety has only been proven in animals and hasn't been adequately tested in humans. If I were pregnant, I wouldn't trust anything other than a class A medication, but I know that it isn't always feasible to stick to class A…
  • I'm actually a pharmacy student and a type 1 diabetic trying to improve my insulin sensitivity, so I took great interest in your plight Dragonwolf, and as a pharmacy student, I actually may have a suggestion. Have you tried pioglitazone ( brand name Actos), or just the metformin? Actos functions similarly to metformin, but…