

  • Look up IIFYM. Slowly add calories. Nice slow lean bulk. A good representation would be maybe Omar Isuf on youtube. Big advicater of the lean bulk.
  • Good luck man. Train hard and get stronger. Get that volume up and lift that heavy *kitten* weight.
  • Im sorry, what? This is good stuff. This is what body builders do. A slow bulk. This is what i do? How is this bad advice. Please tell me what would be a better protacol for bulking.
  • Look up reverse diet. It will do well by pretty much everyone trying to gain muscle with minimul fat. It pretty much a slow incline of calories. I personally after my winter cut am upping my calories by 100 every 3 weeks. Some people try adding in 5-10 carbs a week. Maybe an every gram of fat here and there. Its all about…