ainov90 Member


  • At that age especially it's perfectly normal for periods to be irregular and even gone for a long time despite them having been regular in the past. I've seen a doctor about a similar issue - I only have my period about once a year or so when not on the pill even though at one point they were fairly regular. The doctor…
  • You don't need to do it for 2h. That is excessive. I do 45mins at a time, 3-5 times per week. Running 2-4 times per week (5k-10k depending on how I feel) and HIIT every time I'm at the gym (10mins of hill sprints). I eat around 1500kcal/day and I'm 168cm(5'6) and weigh 62kg (9st 12). I've lost 4kg slowly over the past…
  • I'm sorry but I find this advice ridiculous. Encouraging someone to eat junk if it fits the calorie limit is not good because the food you put in your body is so much more than just bloody calories. Clean eating has many health benefits which support weight loss (increased energy, better utilisation of nutrients etc) and…