Sorry for going off topic. From cleanses. I was answering a comment, but ur right this is the place for the topic of cleanses. I apologize. To the other guy that says that comment about book learning... the bible is a book, mr christian, i like to learn from that one.. However, I have been to college too. To the rest…
The obstruction was healed by Jesus, after a week of not being able to eat or drink anything, The doctors had just run all the blood work. That's how I found that the Lord had healed the hep b virus after being a carrier for years. I also had hiccups for 8 days straight with the only reprieve being when the elders laid…
cleanses.. there are reasons for cleanse... for instance if your a virus carrier like hep b, and some c's, a liver cleans is very helpful. Most don't know that the hep virus is something that your liver lets in to help fight toxins in the liver, when you do a liver cleans such as the 8 oz fresh organic lemon with 8 ounces…
I have been saved since 1991, In my college years was in pretty good shape. However, like many after college i failed to keep my fitness routines. As a result, I got up to 265 size 44 waist. I begged Jesus for a few years to help me to overcome my obesity, but i just didn't have the self will. I purchased P90x in 2013 but…
hey all you guys can add me as well. I started a group too.. my first 8 pack..... blessings