

  • My biggest challenge is having a boyfriend who is 6'4 , 170 lbs eats about 3,000 calories day and doesn't gain weight. He also brings home surprises dinner, take-out Chinese, pizza, ice cream, did the grocery shopping one time and it was all box foods and junk food....grrrrrr
  • Hi Miranda! I'm looking to lose 60 pounds in the next 12-15 months. I also struggled with weight loss. I'm currently eating clean. I understand this diet might be hard since you're in college and you have a lot of access to fast food, pizza places open late, and social scene. Give it a try, I'm currently down 10 pounds.…
  • 1 cup of blackberries Walmart also carries small snack packs with carrots and hummus or apple slices w/ yogurt dip Those are 90 calories . Those fill me up when I'm at my desk at work before or after lunch