Altess Member


  • Perfection! If he continues let HR send him a friendly reminder to mind his own misguided business! Never EVER mess with HR, they will mess you up,down,& sideways!
  • Laughing at my "NO SCALE" success! I have stalled the past 10 days, gained 4 lbs! Back up to 208lbs in my birthday suit. WTF? This morning with hubby to his doctors appointment. (He had lost 7 lbs in 4 months! Yeah baby!) Decided to check on the doctor's scale my weight. 203 lbs?!?! With heavy blue jeans AND my heavy clogs…
  • I tried on for the first time a 38 waist and I need a belt! and can almost fit into a 36. I bought the 36! Everyone else I told was like "That's nice dear..." But to me it really is a big deal. Just glad I have FP. You guys know what a drop in size can feel like.
  • You are NOT alone! I am in a big time "Blah Bump" right now. Feeling useless, unmotivated, feeling ugly inside and out. Wondering why should I care/fight this battle or frankly try. But THIS time I logged on and reached out. I just feel like folks HERE U N D E R S T A N D. I have lost weight. I have a lot left to go. I hit…
  • May I join, I have hit a " Blah bump". I need the accountability just to say I moved each day ,let alone getting to the gym. I lost motivation then my step tracker. I need to turn this around. Found my tracker, existed for a few days. Today, I did not put on my step tracker till late evening. Need to go thur the motions…
  • Thankful your trainer spotted it!
  • Bought shorts for work! Size 18!
  • They were acting really shady
  • Hmmmm.a smoothie with oats and a splash of Jack,interesting. >:)
  • Try to imagine walking around DW. While you count your steps. Here is a link to others who tracked their steps and path.
  • Penguins can't fly! They are NOT gonna change, Accept it and be prepared! My friend is ALWAYS gonna offer me her snacks. I whip out my 100 calorie almonds and ask her if she wants some. "No ...ok." Problem solved.
  • I normally get one thing for me when I do my grocery shopping for my family. I am amazed that I wanted V8 Vfusion over candy! O.o I bought something HEALTHY, cause I was craving it! :o Never thought I would see the day. I like this!
  • Crossword Puzzles. A gas log fire or a wooden log fire?
  • Too much of a tight *kitten*
  • I ate a 6 inch fruit tart from an award winning Bavarian pastry shop tonight FOR DINNER! And that is ALL I had for dinner. I LOVED IT! I loved it SO much, I did not drink my coffee with it! I selfishly did not want ANY other flavor intruding over the fresh fruits. Simply Devine! I sipped my coffee on the way home. I pushed…
  • The Monster At The End Of This Book by Grover-Sesame Street Press (a REAL page turner! ) ;) Racso And The Rats Of N.I.H.M. by Jane Leslie Conley (Not the movie! the movie is NOTHING like the book!) have a tissue for the last chapter! Dune by Frank Herbert (have read it over and over.) The Foundation series & I,Robot by…
  • Second Chance
  • ENERGY I want ENERGY! Tired of being tired after being sick last couple of weeks. Guess I should be glad the doc found out I have a severe vitamin D deficiency and my thyroid is barely working. Just wish my energy would rise! WANT my meds and my diet changes to kick in so I can function. Taking 2 naps a day is crazy.
  • Hi, I am in Phoenix 8 months out of the year and Flagstaff for the rest. Lived in Northern California till I moved to Phoenix. I am 203lbs and slowly losing weight. Tired of feeling like the "little ol' fat lady" Looking for MFP friends who understand what "a dry heat" and "monsoons" can do to a outside workout schedule.…
  • Personal Trainer
  • Woke up late, couldn't find my other tennis shoe. My sweetheart daughter trying to help grabs a pair of clogs I haven't been able to wear in YEARS. "Oh no, I can't wear those my feet are too TOO fat." "They look like they would fit.Try them." :smiley: "THEY FIT?!?" Stunned frozen "They FIT!!!" "Yeah, Mom." Insert eye roll…
  • What weekend...where?
  • 1. Carrots in the fridge,my go to when cravings hit. No carrots and I can justify eating anything. Carrots= no excuses. 2. Water bottle by my bed,another 2 in the fridge filled and ready to go. 3. Wake up,go to the bathroom and weigh myself EVERY MORNING! 4. Eat breakfast, even if it is just carrots, cheese and my filled…
  • I think he needed serious medical help.
  • I wear polish (usually black or vermillion) on my left pinkie nail in memorial of my friend Sally who passed away from stomach cancer. She was such a strong lady and a great mentor. When ever I look down at my hands,which is mostly when I am down. I see the reminder of Sally telling me "awww you got this, now move it…
  • I log on to MFP for the surport of folks who are going thur the same trials I am. I don't have the snarky,passive aggressiveness here that I get from my "surport" in the "real" world. Just a thumbs up here is worth 10x more than a half hearted "way to go" from jealous folks, who are not happy or threatened by my desire to…
  • A bowl of sticky brown rice with lemon tuna on top. That or a nap.
  • None, I go to the gym at 4 am. Way to early for pizza. ;)